Is There Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis?

If you have pain in your heel, chances are you may have plantar fasciitis in Stamford, CT. Dr. Marissa Girolamo, Dr. Rui DeMelo, and Dr. Francisco Lago at Stamford Podiatry Group are accepting new patients and will be able to suggest several different treatments that can help with the pain you are feeling.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a long thin ligament that runs close to the skin on the underside of the foot. It is designed to take a lot of pressure from walking and running. When you increase your activities it may be a step too far. If you have a job where you are required to stand on a hard service, have flat feet, do a repetitive high-impact activity like dancing, or are obese you have an increased risk of suffering from plantar fasciitis.

Home Treatment

When you first feel the pain in your heel, you need to stop doing the activity that is causing it. What you need is to rest your feet so that the inflammation can calm down. Over-the-counter pain medication can give some relief. Stretching exercises may help to relieve some of the stress. Use ice on your foot several times a day, and you may want to get heel inserts for your shoes which can really help.

When To See a Podiatrist for Plantar Fasciitis in Stamford, CT?

If your heel is still bothering you after doing all the possible things that you can do at home, it is vital to make an appointment with our podiatrist as quickly as possible.  Our podiatrist will be able to create a custom orthotic, provide a cortisone shot in your heel, a course of physical therapy, and in the most serious cases, provide surgery to repair the damage.

When you are in need of treatment for Plantar Fasciitis in Stamford, CT you can count on Dr. Girolamo, Dr. DeMelo, and Dr. Lago of Stamford Podiatry Group for treatment. Give the office a call today at (203) 323-1171.